May 11, 2023Liked by Rachel Mac

I live south of Rockford and unfortunately missed your show in Loves Park due to a conflict. I saw you open for Stravos in Madison and you were hilarious! Hope & Anchor wasn’t a great fit for you. You should come back and have Fats Productions book you at Pig Minds or another spot that would be a better fit. I’d bring my crew to see you again. Your humor would land with plenty of Rockfordians as we aren’t all conservative weirdos. Keep up the good fight with the humor you feel is natural and who you are!

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Next time you're in that situation, just start ripping on hillbillies in the South. Country folk love to laugh at people who are even more country than them. That's how Jeff Foxworthy built his whole career!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Rachel Mac

Wow. A great and insightful piece of writing here. (as usual) As a comedian, I can only imagine it's tough not to reach every audience, but the world needs diverse voices. A career maybe needs to fit into audience expectations, but the world--humor--doesn't. You have such a talent. As a progressive in a very conservative area (I first saw you in West Bend, WI), I so appreciate perspectives (and humor) from the real world. Especially yours. My wish for you is to find more and more of those places that have people that appreciate that, too.

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Just saw you last night in Waupaca and loved you, but your trepidation about doing an abortion joke here, a valid concern. I'm pro-choice and have lived here for thirty0three years and I'm a definite outlier and heretic who is pretty out there about my beliefs, but still tread with a measure of caution. There are also many others out there like me, but more closeted because its not good for business. As a teacher, I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "Know your audience". Rural America is more diverse than what many think but the conservative Christian contingent and morality polic still dominate the narrative when it comes to certain things...which is why many of our progressive kids leave once they graduate and never come back. Some of us though are die-hards and love rural America and have an eye on the long game. We are pro-life and pro-choice, and believe in the dignity of life across the human life span, including the right to make difficult but sometimes necessary hard decisions to intercept a poorly untimed pregnancy. Many of us are devoted loving mothers just like you and working in the trenches to help rural America evolve on many fronts, slow as it might be sometimes. In the meantime, you are wise to tread lightly on certain fronts. That would be one of them. Thanks for a great night of comedic relief...have been caring for an elderly family member which has been very sad and stressful. It was good to laugh again.

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I wanted to comment the name of your show with Amy but then I realized people would think I was cyber bullying you ❤️

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May 11, 2023Liked by Rachel Mac

Your jokes are 🔥🔥🔥

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This is sad to read, but also fascinating.

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Just keep doing you. You never know, maybe someone in that audience learned a thing or two, maybe gained a new perspective. But if not, to hell with them. You're funny. Keep it up!

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I think your best "jokes" or "lines" are those that you believe in. And, I do applaud your effort in trying to sneak a little education into the GOP with jokes! (Sometimes, I think that comedy is the only language both liberals and conserves understand.)

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